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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Metrojaya Raya Sales 2011

Maybe, it's still not late for me to post this :D

Venue : Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)
Date : 17 August - 21 August 2011
Time : 11am - 10pm

For those who do not shop for Hari Raya yet, 
this is the best time for you to shop at cheaper prices ! :D

p/s : They are having a happy hour, which price is getting cheaper and cheaper! 
Hurry up now! :D


  1. kak anis..jom pegi..akak drive..lallala :p

  2. Hahahaha...
    Akk tak reti jalan die la emy.
    Kang sesat kang :P
